As an additional benefit for Tampa !p Advisory Board leadership members, our Anchor member institutions are hosting a series of gatherings. Director Joe Battle and the James A. Haley Veterans’ Hospital stepped up to host the first of these events and set the bar high with an enjoyable and fascinating afternoon. Battle fielded questions from guests in a lively discussion, shared some keys to success and lessons learned throughout his career.
Ten members attended the luncheon, where they learned that the hospital serves nearly 100,000 individual veterans per year, provides 1.4 million outpatient visits, brings in $12 million in research funding, and employs over 5,000. Dr. Jose Lezama, Chief of Medicine and a Jesuit High School and USF medical school graduate, talked about the hospital’s success at training doctors who save lives throughout the bay area as well as those who invest their entire careers serving veterans at JAHVH.
Following lunch, Dr. Kevin White led a tour of the Spinal Cord Institute where researchers are at the forefront of developing adaptive devices to help paralyzed veterans enjoy active lives. Our visitors saw veterans utilizing cutting-edge equipment and techniques that cut down greatly on rehabilitation time. Dr. Steven Scott, Chief of Physical Medicine and Rehab, took the Tampa !p group through the Polytrauma Care facility where research is done on comas and treating dizziness, along with other symptoms related to head injuries, including a GestureTek system used to improve sensory awareness. Some of the innovative techniques used at James A. Haley VA Hospital include using virtual reality to treat chronic pain and 3D printers to create adaptive devices.
You won’t won’t to miss our next Advisory Board leadership luncheon with USF President, Dr. Judy Genshaft on March 28th. To learn more about the Advisory Board leadership group, email Bonnie Ingram for details.

Hospital Director, Joe Battle, talks with the Advisory Board leadership group

Members enjoy lunch and a lively discussion

Researchers talk about an exoskeleton that helps paralyzed veterans stand and walk

Joe Battle and Doctors Steven Scott and Kevin White lead a tour of the hospital’s Spinal Cord Institute and Polytrauma Care Unit
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